A case statement within bash lets you test for more than one condition or value and act accordingly. bash中的case语句可以用来测试多个条件或值并相应地执行操作。
In the Site Area condition, select value and then select Request and library in the options that display. 在SiteAreacondition中,选择value,然后在显示的选项中选择Requestandlibrary。
Materializing labour is the essential condition of value creation and is also the coagulation and carrier of new value which living labour creates. 物化劳动是价值创造的必要务件,是活劳动创造的新价值的凝结和载体。
The Study on Chinese Photovoltaic Industry upgrading under the condition of Global Value Chain 全球价值链下的产业升级:以我国光伏产业为例
Condition value at risk evaluation of adopting interruptible power price 实行可中断电价的条件风险价值评估
The higher education popularity creates the institutions of higher learning student culture quality in the certain degree to be irregular, they thought moral condition, value idea, individuality development, psychological health, employment pressure have a series of changes. 摘要高等教育大众化在一定程度上造成高等院校学生文化素质参差不齐,其思想道德素质状况、价值观念、个性发展、心理健康、就业压力等方面发生了一系列变化。
Finally, the boundary condition and initial value are used to solve the linear equations so as to obtain the corresponding results. 最后,利用边界条件和初值条件求解线性方程组,得出相应结果。
We should unearth the condition of value realization of socialist core value system in maximum to improve social function of people's essential power as well as social governing ability. 我们应该最大限度地挖掘社会主义核心价值体系的价值实现条件,以提高人的主体本质力量的社会作用,从而提高它的社会统摄能力。
An atrial sound is not heard in this condition because mitral value narrowing prevents sudden emptying of the left atrium. 心房音此时不能听到,因为二尖瓣狭窄阻止左心房突然排空。
The basic condition of value evaluation of right to use profitable land is that the stable earning rate of investment can be acquired continuously and in balance. 其用于收益性土地使用权价值评估成立的基本条件是:能够持续地均衡地获取稳定的投资收益率。
The Extension of Sufficient Condition for Extreme Value of Function 函数极值的充分条件的推广
Both Lu Xun and Chekhov, faced with realistic difficult condition value life, emphasize the self-consciousness and subjective strength. Since traditional culture and historical background are different, each of them has a life philosophy of his own characteristics. 面对着现实困境的鲁迅与契诃夫都珍视人生的价值,强调人的自我意识与主体力量,但是由于文化传统与历史背景的不同,他们的人生哲学各具特色。
It probes into the form, condition and the value analysis on stock option, and puts forwards the practical significance of ESO in China. 本文对股票期权的形式、实施的条件以及价值分析等进行了探讨,提出了中国实施经营者股票期权制度的现实意义;
Concept, condition and value; 校本课程开发的概念、条件和价值;
A method of overlap decomposition is given out. Using the condition estimated value of Karman filter of overlap subsystem as a comparative signal, the fault detection and isolation of sensors are realized. 提出了一种重叠分解方法,利用重叠子系统的卡尔曼滤波器的状态估计值做为比较信号,实现系统中传感器的故障诊断与隔离。
It mainly consists of the indexes of leading and management value, condition protection value and education results value. 大学创新教育工作评价体系主要由领导与管理水平评价、条件保障评价和教育成效评价等指标组成。
It can be expressed by hypothetical connectives of sufficient condition of non-truth value "if, unless". 它可由非纯真值的充分条件假言联结词若,则来刻划。
In this paper, an accurate model for the transferring and distributing of load on a two-way curved slab is developed first according to Theory of Elasticity and the influence of the boundary curvature and supporting condition on the value of the transferred and distributed load is discussed. 本文首先根据弹性理论建立双向曲边板上荷载传递和分配的精确模型,并讨论边界曲度和支承情况对荷载的传递和分配值的影响。
It not only carries on the appraisal to the existing city afforestation condition, at the same time, on the estimate and appraisal to afforested condition value in future years under the supposition condition. 不仅对现有城市绿化状况进行评价,同时也可以在假设的条件下对若干年后的绿化状况的价值进行估算和评价。
Application condition of expectant possibility theory is including factual condition and value condition. 期待可能性理论的条件包括事实要件和价值要件。前者由客观要素和心理要素构成;
In this paper, the finite element model for calculating interference fit stress is formed by using displacement continuous condition and equal value of force condition on the fitting faces. 本文利用互相配合的弹性体配合表面上位移连续条件及力的等值条件建立了计算过盈应力的有限元模型。
On marketing condition and value of the underground business street development 试论地下商业街开发的市场条件及开发价值
On condition of value transformation from "formal Rule of Law" to "Substantive Rule of Law", we should reconstitute the system of administrative detention in four elements. 在从价值观上实现由“形式法治主义”到“实质法治主义”转变的前提下,应当从四个方面对我国的行政拘留制度进行重构。
In this condition, the value of knowledge for enterprises and the dedication attitude of workers will decide the destiny of enterprises in market competition. 在这种情况下,企业每一个员工尤其是知识型员工所拥有的知识对企业的价值和员工对企业的奉献态度将决定一个企业在市场竞争中的命运。
Under the normal condition, the value of human resources is greater than the exchange value of it. It should participate in the distribution of the post-tax profit of enterprises by various ways to realize its own value. 在正常条件下,人力资源的价值大于人力资源的交换价值,人力资源要实现自身的价值,应通过多种方式参加企业税后利润分配。
In the condition of value function satisfying monotony, research the nonlinear three point value problem and get relevant results. 在边界函数单调的条件下,研究非线性三点边值问题的有关结论。
The competitive strategy combines structure inside enterprises with external environment condition. The value chains of enterprises run through the two-dimensional space of enterprise's own value creation process and enterprise's external value shift. 竞争战略把企业内部结构和外部环境结合起来,企业的价值链贯穿在企业自身价值创造作业和企业外部价值转移的二维空间。
In the succession of "labor creates value", new labor value monism emphasizes the materialized works for creating the condition function of value and relation of assigning, thus promotes the completion and development of market economy. 新劳动价值一元论在继承劳动创造价值这一本原的基础上,强调物化劳动对于创造价值的条件作用及与分配的关系,从而推动了市场经济的完善与发展;
Chapter two confirms undergraduate basic curriculum mission, value orientation and the condition that value realizes. 第二章确认了本科基础课程的使命、价值取向和价值实现的条件。
Then determination in water and does not dip water condition the CBR value, determined by uniaxial consolidation and the void ratio, compression in order to assess its performance. 然后在泡水和不泡水状态下测定其CBR值,接着用单轴固结测定其孔隙比,以评定其压缩性能。